Wednesday, February 24, 2016

[ARTICLE] 160225 NU'EST's Minhyun is allergic to salt?

In a recent interview, NU'EST's Minhyun revealed the reason why only the left side of his face was visible during his snow segment of the "OVERCOME" MV!

During the MV, Minhyun can be seen crawling in a foggy field of snow. But as it turned out, instead of using real snow, the filming crew had used salt! 

"We used salt instead of snow since snow melts too quickly during long filming sessions, but because of my salt allergy, I started getting a rash on my face," Minhyun stated, but despite his allergies, he persevered throughout his portion of the filming. He added, "I crawled on the salty ground and did my best. Because the rash had come up on my face and neck, you can only see the left side of my face during my individual segments of the MV." 

Member Baekho also spoke about Minhyun's allergies, saying, "Even when we practice and we sweat, Minhyun would have an allergic reaction to his own sweat and get rashes. He really had a hard time during the MV filming." 

Poor Minhyun, what an unusual allergy! But his snowy scenes in the MV came out fantastic!

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