"I believe in an idea, an idea that a single individual who has the right heart and the right mind that is consumed with a single purpose, that one man can win a war." - Steve Rogers (Captain America) -
"I believe in an idea, an idea that a single individual who has the right facial mask and the right lotion that is consumed with a single purpose, that one man can win a pimple." - Aaron Kwak (Captain Aron) -
OSAKA event finished ! thank you to all the fans that came out and showed us so much support and love. concert tomorrow ! see you there (:#nuest#aron#osaka#harusaysthankyou
OSAKA concert finished ! had alot of fun. thanks to everyone who came out and showed us love (: TOKYO we're coming ! get ready hahahaha#nuest#aron#osaka#tokyoyounext#getready